Tuesday, May 20, 2008


our newest addition to the fam, isn't he cute?


Natalia said...

it's a boy! those pics are radical...you should sell them on istock dudes.

A Momma said...

How are our bohemian friends? I hope you guys are having so much fun. We are still keeping it real here in Cedar. We are going to miss hanging out with you guys. Keep those fun blogs coming. I'll email some of the hilarious pictures of the night before you left. We have some awesome shots of the inside of ERV. Later dudes.

Grammy said...

Welcome to the Family ERV. I'm sure you will have MANY exciting and interesting adventures with your new "parents". (P.S. Keep Britt and Quinn safe and Keep on Truckin' - ha! ha!)

Luke and Bridget said...

You guys rock my socks off!! Erv is amazing!!!